Man Says : “My Mum caused me to start masturbation”

news-pics.jpg To the potential parents and parents to
be,please read this to know the right
thing to do and what not to d0.This
article is an advice to parents from one
of Nigerian Leading Gospel Singer- Mike
A friend sent me this and i felt it is
worth sharing even though it might not
be an answer to masturbation entirely.I
counseled a young guy who was
addicted to masturbation.He told me he
can’t do without masturbating.
One thing that struck me in his
confession was when he said, ”my mum
caused all this for me”. Curiosity got
hold of me & I asked him, how? He said;
he started masturbating since when he
was 4 years old. ‘ my mum dresses up
before me, I am used to seeing her
nakedness. I am not moved to have sex
with her but I always long to see mature
ladies naked just the way I always see
my mum dressing up naked before me. I
still remember seeing her nakedness
regularly till I was 8 years & my dad
used to shout at her, ‘send this boy out
before you dress…’ , but my mum would
always reply by saying, ‘will my son sleep
with me? Stop planting evil thoughts in
his heart’.
“Anytime I see my mum’s naked body, I
long to see ladies’ naked body, I had sex
at age 10 and till now I am not free
from sex& heavy pornography
&masturbation…”Dear parents, I hope
you are not guilty of this? You are
dressing up before your 2 years son/
daughter& you say he/she doesn’t know
anything yet? Some couples will be
having sex when their 2 year old child
will be in the room with them & they
feel like, he can only see, he can’t
Parents,that child does not need to
understand. Seeing your nakedness or
seeing you and your spouse making
love is enough to plant abnormal sexual
fantasies and urge in that child. Why will
you destroy your own children with
your own carelessness? Don’t let your
children see your nakedness. Don’t
make love in the presence of your child
no matter the age. The scene sticks to
the memory& they may want to explore
& experiment what they are seeing.
Stopping making home-made ‘sex clips
or video’ for your children to be
watching. Mummy, sit properly. Stop
sitting as if you are in the labour room;
parting your legs and your son seeing
your inner thigh & pant. Be careful!
Daddy, don’t wear boxers at home such
that when you sit down your ‘thing’
would be dangling for your daughter to
see. There are things you should not
showcase to your children which should
be left private to your spouses.
From : Mike Abdul

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