Time: 3 minutes
Equipment: Exercise bench
Good for: Energy-boosting
Instructions: Perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds of each exercise. Repeat for a total of three rounds.
Feet-Elevated Glute Bridge
How to: Stand
about three feet in front of a step or bench and place top of left foot
on it, bending knee slightly. Keeping back straight and core engaged,
lean torso forward slightly and bend knees to lower as far as possible,
or until the left knee nearly touches the floor. Pause, then drive
through right heel to return to start. That's 1 rep.
Perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.
Pushup And Inverted Shoulder Press
How to: Place
hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart on the floor and extend
feet so body forms a straight line from head to heels. Bend elbows to do
a pushup, lowering until chest nearly touches the floor; then push
through hands to straighten arms while raising hips and pressing into
From that position, bend elbows to lower
head until it almost touches the floor. Press through hands to
straighten arms; then return to start. That's 1 rep.
Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 seconds.
Start circuit again; repeat for a total of three rounds.
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