He is young, handsome, gifted and confident. He exudes pure excellence in his craft, this young rapper's lyrical prowess is totally out of this world and encomium in this world wouldn't be able to quantify this young rapper's gift for rap. His name is Dee Moe and he certainly will scale heights higher than his rap predessors.
Watch Dee Moe's Freestyle Video below.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's Somethings Wrong
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's Finessing.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's Lose My Number.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's You Fail.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's The Sound.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's Bad Mc.
*Please tell our readers about yourself?
Firstly I'm an artist, a rapper to be precise, I always like to talk about what I do first, put my craft out there. I'm currently studying fine arts at the Amadu Bello University Zaria. Born and raised in Kaduna, Nigeria. We rappers in that area like to say we from croc city (Kaduna).
*Your age please and a brief info about your family?
I'm twenty years old. Born January 31st, ya'll might want to save the date, cause I love gifts. Born into the family of Mr and Mrs Joel Gaiya. My name is Moses Gaiya a.k.a Dee Moe (stage name). I have one elder sister and one little brother, Angela and Daniel Gaiya.
What is your genre of music?
Hip hop.
When did you start rapping?
I started rapping in primary School. I was 10yrs old at the time. I wasn't actually rapping my own songs. I would listen to Eminem at that time, and then when I was I with my friends I would rap a verse or two. I remember I learnt that whole lyrics to Eminem's "not afraid". I can still remember the look on my friends face the day I sang the whole song for him after he argued that it was impossible.
But I officially wrote my first song in my first year in secondary school. I think I was 11yrs old at the time.
*What inspires you?
What inspires me....I'm inspired when I listen to other rappers out there. I listen to a particular sound track and I feel I can do this, so I go online and most times I download the instrumental to that same track and do a remix. That's why most of my early songs where covers of other songs. But as I began to grow and mature and most especially as I started to deal with life and it's challenges, I saw myself beginning to write from my emotions and it was the best thing ever. It's so interesting, the whole thing just flows and it was at this point the whole concept of me being a rapper started making sense.
*Who is your favourite artiste?
My favourite artist... Like I said earlier, growing up I listened to Eminem alot. He was my favorite at that time, and some point it was Lil Wayne, and so many others. But currently I'll say Meek Mill... He's my favourite artist right now. The way he delivers and the energy, the vibe, the message, most definitely Meek mill.
*How many songs have you released?
They'll be very few, cause I didn't have money to buy original beats. So apart from covers I've been able to release about 7 songs. That's to say that of all the 25 songs I've released only 7 are not covers.
*Which artistes will you love to have on one of your songs? (Nigerian and International)
In Nigeria, I would love to work with Niniola, I'm a big fan of her work. I still vibe to her latest album. On the foreign scene you already know who it is...Most definitely Meek Mill.
*How have you been able to handle music and school?
It's not easy at all, it's like the higher I go academically the more demanding the whole music thing becomes. I'm stuck in between trying to build a fan base and also trying to build my GP. But it's been good, God has always helped me, I'm doing fine academically and musically...
*So how exactly do you juggle both?
Gee its hard....I won't lie... I just try to maintain my grades not to get my mad.
*Out of all the songs you have released which one is your favourite?
My favourite so far is the one I just released like two months ago, titled "Something is Wrong"... This is why I love that song; I wrote it from my heart, and I did it sincerely. I'm not the type that likes to listen to my own songs after they've been released, only when I have to perform. But this particular track I find my self going back to it, time to time. Most times when I open my playlist, I search for it first, listen to it, (most times with my eyes closed) before listening to any other song.
*How nervous are you when you climb the stage?
Before I climb the stage to perform... Oooo Blood of Jesus!! Trust me you don't want to see before I get on the stage, if it's your show and your paying me to perform, you'll probably want to take your money back. I just begin to sweat profusely, my hands are shaking I'm feeling dizzy and weak. You'll probably think I have I'm epileptic. But it's a whole different story when I get up on that stage, I don't see nobody, I know I'm suppose to deliver and so I deliver, and I do my best.
*How do you deal with criticism?
Criticism...I won't lie and say it doesn't get to me when people criticise my work. I don't take it the wrong way, because it means they are listening to you, that's why they can point out the things they don't like, and if it's something I need to work on, I do. For me it's worse when these critics don't say anything, then you start to wonder if someone's actually listening to your music. I try not to hate on nobody, people are entitled to their opinions and I've learned to accept that. So when I hear people say negative things about my music, I pay very close attention, I try to find the real in what they're saying and correct myself cause I'm human, I'm not perfect.
*What will you say is or was your major breakthrough?
Major breakthrough...I'll definitely say it was when the Legendary Ruggedman himself reposted my freestyle video on Instagram. Since then we've become very close friends, we talk a lot. It helped me a lot in terms of building my fan base.
*How supportive are your parents to your music?
My parents have been really supportive. My Dad is really quite about the whole thing though. I talk a lot with my Mum. Every song I ever had pay to record, she paid for it. I don't know what I'll do without her. Believe me I Thank God for her everyday, she's the reason I've made it this far. In my last mixtape (released in 2015), I did a song titled "my Mother". I also thank my Dad for letting me do music, he could've stopped me and have me focus sorely on my academics, but he didn't. At the end of the day, yes, yes my parents have been very supportive.
*If you were to date a celebrity who would it be and why?
Hmmmm....My celebrity crush, Niniola. I love the way she sings. I admire her energy and vibe, and that's the type of vibe I like lol, I like the way she carries herself, plus she's pretty. On a real though, I have a soft spot for girls who can sing or rap very well.
*Your deepest regret?
I try not to regret anything, what's done is done. But if there was anything I would love go back in time and do better, is to not be an a** to every girl that ever liked me, let's leave that one there.
*How do you deal with female admirers/fans?
Female fans. They're the best, I'm a very happy person, some people take it the wrong way cause I joke about almost everything. I have a lot of "girlfriends"... And we relate very well. At least online, it's a different thing when I have to face them one on one, I'm very shy, and it's like a disease sometimes. At the end of the day I just try to be a nice guy.
*The accessory you can't do without? The accessory I can't do without... My headphones. Imagine a world without headphones, infact I can't imagine a world without headphones. They have a way of making you mind your business when you put them on.
*If you were offered $5m now, I mean now now, to quit singing for life, I mean to never sing again, will you accept it?
I wouldn't take five million dollars to stop singing...or wait... I might take the five million and then start a record label and have people sing for me, cause if there's one thing I like to do apart from record music is to listen to other peoples music. Good music precisely.
*Can you tell our readers what inspired the song?
It was inspired by this one girl I liked very much. But I'm a very shy person, I don't know how to show my emotions. This girl just stopped replying my messages at one time point. She got accepted into this private school, that's how I never heard from her again. A part of me died after that experience.
*Did you try looking for her via social media?
She wasn't a social media type of girl at the time.
*If you weren't a musician , what would you be?
If I wasn't a musician, what would I be. Might sound funny but I'll probably be an officer, like in the army, I've always admired the ones around me, plus I have a lot of them as friends...
*Worst feedback you have ever received?
Worst feedback, I can't say for sure. Every time I put out music I get nothing but love. Even when I perform at a place where they don't really know me. I still manage to convince the crowd. For now, no... At least not yet.
*What is the most amazing thing about being an artiste?
Most amazing thing about being an artiste... I'll say the ability to express myself. See what you do make someone happy, give people a new perspective. I myself I'm a very shy person, and you know how it is with shy people. There's always something we would love to say, but can't say, things we want to do etc... I get to do all that in my music, create my own world and I think that's the most amazing thing about being an artiste, if you ask me.
*The difficulties you have faced being an artiste?
Difficulties I have faced, I think for most upcoming artist like myself, that actually put out good music, I'll say the difficulties are mostly tied to the financial aspect of the art. Money for instrumentals, pay bloggers and other top sites, etc...I write my own songs so I don't need money pay someone to write for me. I so much have confidence in myself. So obviously the major difficulty here is actually putting the music out there, like promoting the song to and making sure it reaches a bigger and wider audience.
*Hearing this do you feel Nigeria's music industry is a place for unearthed talents to shine or its just an industry for already made stars?
It's actually a place for unearthed talents to shine. Most upcoming artist are lazy, they just want to have everything dished out to them. I believe as an upcoming artiste you want to play your part. Record, perform, create a fan base for yourself. It's not just all about what the industry would do for you, what can u do for the industry. We all know the industry is really messed up.
*Do you feel the Nigeria's music industry is regressing?
Nahhh...It's a little bit shaky, but We going higher everyday man. Look at Nigeria music today, it's all over the world fam. We've definitely moved forward.
*Who is the most important person to you right? The most important person to me right now... Most definitely my parents, they getting old already. That's why I put in a lot of work. I want to be able to spoil them now, give them things they never had. I don't wanna be rich when they already very old and boring, nah. To be honest everything I do, I do for them, and everyone who supports and believes in me, and also for my kids. I want them to grow up having everything they need, But right now, my parents are on the top of my list.
*Nice, your kids, you have kids already?
Nahh...when I have kids, that what I meant to say.
*In the next 3 years, where do you see yourself?
In 3 years from now, I should be at least a million times more popular than I am right now. Having hit songs, at least two big albums. And all this I want with or without a record label.
*If you were a food, what would you be and why?
Food... I'll be a bowl of hot spaghetti and meatballs... Why? Cause everybody loves spaghetti (if you don't, then you should see a doctor) and I would love to be something people love and enjoy and not the other way around.
*Davido or Wizkid?
*Do you feel you being shy as hampered your progress in music? (Do you feel you would have attained success by now if you weren't shy?)
It has its advantages and disadvantages. Most times I turn down shows, when I'm booked to perform, just because of the way I feel in my belly...but there are times I know I have to perform. But I'm okay with it, because I think the people who listen to my music not only love my music but also love my personality. I want to do so many wild things but the fact that I'm shy automatically tames the beast inside, and I'm very grateful to God for the man I am.
*Tell our readers about a day you wished you were never shy?
The day I wished I wasn't shy... There was a girl I liked so much. Didn't tell her anything. We became very close. She liked me too obviously. She was just so fine allow me to use the word "perfect"... I didn't know how to express what I was feeling. One day she saw me smiling with one other girl. I'm guessing that's what pissed her off. That night she told me she loved me... Believe me when I say this, I honestly didn't know when I replied "thank you". After that I didn't know what to say.
I'm don't know if I should be saying this.. But I've never dated a girl before. And it's all my fault, I take full responsibility.. it's either I'm not giving them the right answers, I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I don't know... It's like I'm so antisocial, damn!... I try fam, believe me, and the end of the day, before we get to date, she's either bored already or seeing someone else, worst part i have to find out myself.
*Hmm....I will reserve my comment for another, how easy is it to get influenced in the music industry?
Very easy... I don't even know how to stress this one...
*Okay, any special shout out?
Shout out to my mum, my producer @Sukeezbeats, Ruggedman, shout to my day one niggas I can't start calling all their names, shout to Onyinye; said she'll kill me if I don't mention her name.
*It was great having you bro, any message to our readers or young fresh artistes like yourself?
Keep hustling, keep writing, keep recording, keep performing, there's enough money in this industry for all of us, work and claim your own.
Thank you bro.
Follow him on Instagram: @callme_deemoe Follow him on Twitter: @_deemoe
Follow him on Facebook: @Deemoe
Watch Dee Moe's Freestyle Video below.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's Finessing.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's Lose My Number.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's You Fail.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's The Sound.
Listen and Enjoy Dee Moe's Bad Mc.

Firstly I'm an artist, a rapper to be precise, I always like to talk about what I do first, put my craft out there. I'm currently studying fine arts at the Amadu Bello University Zaria. Born and raised in Kaduna, Nigeria. We rappers in that area like to say we from croc city (Kaduna).
I'm twenty years old. Born January 31st, ya'll might want to save the date, cause I love gifts. Born into the family of Mr and Mrs Joel Gaiya. My name is Moses Gaiya a.k.a Dee Moe (stage name). I have one elder sister and one little brother, Angela and Daniel Gaiya.
What is your genre of music?
Hip hop.
When did you start rapping?
I started rapping in primary School. I was 10yrs old at the time. I wasn't actually rapping my own songs. I would listen to Eminem at that time, and then when I was I with my friends I would rap a verse or two. I remember I learnt that whole lyrics to Eminem's "not afraid". I can still remember the look on my friends face the day I sang the whole song for him after he argued that it was impossible.
But I officially wrote my first song in my first year in secondary school. I think I was 11yrs old at the time.
*What inspires you?
What inspires me....I'm inspired when I listen to other rappers out there. I listen to a particular sound track and I feel I can do this, so I go online and most times I download the instrumental to that same track and do a remix. That's why most of my early songs where covers of other songs. But as I began to grow and mature and most especially as I started to deal with life and it's challenges, I saw myself beginning to write from my emotions and it was the best thing ever. It's so interesting, the whole thing just flows and it was at this point the whole concept of me being a rapper started making sense.
*Who is your favourite artiste?
My favourite artist... Like I said earlier, growing up I listened to Eminem alot. He was my favorite at that time, and some point it was Lil Wayne, and so many others. But currently I'll say Meek Mill... He's my favourite artist right now. The way he delivers and the energy, the vibe, the message, most definitely Meek mill.
*How many songs have you released?
They'll be very few, cause I didn't have money to buy original beats. So apart from covers I've been able to release about 7 songs. That's to say that of all the 25 songs I've released only 7 are not covers.
*Which artistes will you love to have on one of your songs? (Nigerian and International)
In Nigeria, I would love to work with Niniola, I'm a big fan of her work. I still vibe to her latest album. On the foreign scene you already know who it is...Most definitely Meek Mill.
*How have you been able to handle music and school?
It's not easy at all, it's like the higher I go academically the more demanding the whole music thing becomes. I'm stuck in between trying to build a fan base and also trying to build my GP. But it's been good, God has always helped me, I'm doing fine academically and musically...
*So how exactly do you juggle both?
Gee its hard....I won't lie... I just try to maintain my grades not to get my mad.
*Out of all the songs you have released which one is your favourite?
My favourite so far is the one I just released like two months ago, titled "Something is Wrong"... This is why I love that song; I wrote it from my heart, and I did it sincerely. I'm not the type that likes to listen to my own songs after they've been released, only when I have to perform. But this particular track I find my self going back to it, time to time. Most times when I open my playlist, I search for it first, listen to it, (most times with my eyes closed) before listening to any other song.
*How nervous are you when you climb the stage?
Before I climb the stage to perform... Oooo Blood of Jesus!! Trust me you don't want to see before I get on the stage, if it's your show and your paying me to perform, you'll probably want to take your money back. I just begin to sweat profusely, my hands are shaking I'm feeling dizzy and weak. You'll probably think I have I'm epileptic. But it's a whole different story when I get up on that stage, I don't see nobody, I know I'm suppose to deliver and so I deliver, and I do my best.
*How do you deal with criticism?
Criticism...I won't lie and say it doesn't get to me when people criticise my work. I don't take it the wrong way, because it means they are listening to you, that's why they can point out the things they don't like, and if it's something I need to work on, I do. For me it's worse when these critics don't say anything, then you start to wonder if someone's actually listening to your music. I try not to hate on nobody, people are entitled to their opinions and I've learned to accept that. So when I hear people say negative things about my music, I pay very close attention, I try to find the real in what they're saying and correct myself cause I'm human, I'm not perfect.
*What will you say is or was your major breakthrough?
Major breakthrough...I'll definitely say it was when the Legendary Ruggedman himself reposted my freestyle video on Instagram. Since then we've become very close friends, we talk a lot. It helped me a lot in terms of building my fan base.
*How supportive are your parents to your music?
My parents have been really supportive. My Dad is really quite about the whole thing though. I talk a lot with my Mum. Every song I ever had pay to record, she paid for it. I don't know what I'll do without her. Believe me I Thank God for her everyday, she's the reason I've made it this far. In my last mixtape (released in 2015), I did a song titled "my Mother". I also thank my Dad for letting me do music, he could've stopped me and have me focus sorely on my academics, but he didn't. At the end of the day, yes, yes my parents have been very supportive.
*If you were to date a celebrity who would it be and why?
Hmmmm....My celebrity crush, Niniola. I love the way she sings. I admire her energy and vibe, and that's the type of vibe I like lol, I like the way she carries herself, plus she's pretty. On a real though, I have a soft spot for girls who can sing or rap very well.
*Your deepest regret?
I try not to regret anything, what's done is done. But if there was anything I would love go back in time and do better, is to not be an a** to every girl that ever liked me, let's leave that one there.
*How do you deal with female admirers/fans?
Female fans. They're the best, I'm a very happy person, some people take it the wrong way cause I joke about almost everything. I have a lot of "girlfriends"... And we relate very well. At least online, it's a different thing when I have to face them one on one, I'm very shy, and it's like a disease sometimes. At the end of the day I just try to be a nice guy.
*The accessory you can't do without? The accessory I can't do without... My headphones. Imagine a world without headphones, infact I can't imagine a world without headphones. They have a way of making you mind your business when you put them on.
*If you were offered $5m now, I mean now now, to quit singing for life, I mean to never sing again, will you accept it?
I wouldn't take five million dollars to stop singing...or wait... I might take the five million and then start a record label and have people sing for me, cause if there's one thing I like to do apart from record music is to listen to other peoples music. Good music precisely.
*Can you tell our readers what inspired the song?
It was inspired by this one girl I liked very much. But I'm a very shy person, I don't know how to show my emotions. This girl just stopped replying my messages at one time point. She got accepted into this private school, that's how I never heard from her again. A part of me died after that experience.
*Did you try looking for her via social media?
She wasn't a social media type of girl at the time.
*If you weren't a musician , what would you be?
If I wasn't a musician, what would I be. Might sound funny but I'll probably be an officer, like in the army, I've always admired the ones around me, plus I have a lot of them as friends...
*Worst feedback you have ever received?
Worst feedback, I can't say for sure. Every time I put out music I get nothing but love. Even when I perform at a place where they don't really know me. I still manage to convince the crowd. For now, no... At least not yet.
*What is the most amazing thing about being an artiste?
Most amazing thing about being an artiste... I'll say the ability to express myself. See what you do make someone happy, give people a new perspective. I myself I'm a very shy person, and you know how it is with shy people. There's always something we would love to say, but can't say, things we want to do etc... I get to do all that in my music, create my own world and I think that's the most amazing thing about being an artiste, if you ask me.
*The difficulties you have faced being an artiste?
Difficulties I have faced, I think for most upcoming artist like myself, that actually put out good music, I'll say the difficulties are mostly tied to the financial aspect of the art. Money for instrumentals, pay bloggers and other top sites, etc...I write my own songs so I don't need money pay someone to write for me. I so much have confidence in myself. So obviously the major difficulty here is actually putting the music out there, like promoting the song to and making sure it reaches a bigger and wider audience.
*Hearing this do you feel Nigeria's music industry is a place for unearthed talents to shine or its just an industry for already made stars?
It's actually a place for unearthed talents to shine. Most upcoming artist are lazy, they just want to have everything dished out to them. I believe as an upcoming artiste you want to play your part. Record, perform, create a fan base for yourself. It's not just all about what the industry would do for you, what can u do for the industry. We all know the industry is really messed up.
*Do you feel the Nigeria's music industry is regressing?
Nahhh...It's a little bit shaky, but We going higher everyday man. Look at Nigeria music today, it's all over the world fam. We've definitely moved forward.
*Who is the most important person to you right? The most important person to me right now... Most definitely my parents, they getting old already. That's why I put in a lot of work. I want to be able to spoil them now, give them things they never had. I don't wanna be rich when they already very old and boring, nah. To be honest everything I do, I do for them, and everyone who supports and believes in me, and also for my kids. I want them to grow up having everything they need, But right now, my parents are on the top of my list.
*Nice, your kids, you have kids already?
Nahh...when I have kids, that what I meant to say.
*In the next 3 years, where do you see yourself?
In 3 years from now, I should be at least a million times more popular than I am right now. Having hit songs, at least two big albums. And all this I want with or without a record label.
*If you were a food, what would you be and why?
Food... I'll be a bowl of hot spaghetti and meatballs... Why? Cause everybody loves spaghetti (if you don't, then you should see a doctor) and I would love to be something people love and enjoy and not the other way around.
*Davido or Wizkid?
*Do you feel you being shy as hampered your progress in music? (Do you feel you would have attained success by now if you weren't shy?)
It has its advantages and disadvantages. Most times I turn down shows, when I'm booked to perform, just because of the way I feel in my belly...but there are times I know I have to perform. But I'm okay with it, because I think the people who listen to my music not only love my music but also love my personality. I want to do so many wild things but the fact that I'm shy automatically tames the beast inside, and I'm very grateful to God for the man I am.
*Tell our readers about a day you wished you were never shy?
The day I wished I wasn't shy... There was a girl I liked so much. Didn't tell her anything. We became very close. She liked me too obviously. She was just so fine allow me to use the word "perfect"... I didn't know how to express what I was feeling. One day she saw me smiling with one other girl. I'm guessing that's what pissed her off. That night she told me she loved me... Believe me when I say this, I honestly didn't know when I replied "thank you". After that I didn't know what to say.
I'm don't know if I should be saying this.. But I've never dated a girl before. And it's all my fault, I take full responsibility.. it's either I'm not giving them the right answers, I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I don't know... It's like I'm so antisocial, damn!... I try fam, believe me, and the end of the day, before we get to date, she's either bored already or seeing someone else, worst part i have to find out myself.
Very easy... I don't even know how to stress this one...
*Okay, any special shout out?
Shout out to my mum, my producer @Sukeezbeats, Ruggedman, shout to my day one niggas I can't start calling all their names, shout to Onyinye; said she'll kill me if I don't mention her name.
*It was great having you bro, any message to our readers or young fresh artistes like yourself?
Keep hustling, keep writing, keep recording, keep performing, there's enough money in this industry for all of us, work and claim your own.
Thank you bro.
Follow him on Instagram: @callme_deemoe Follow him on Twitter: @_deemoe
Follow him on Facebook: @Deemoe
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